
How To De-Stress and Stay Calm

Stress has its place when it is really needed, such as alerting your body to get into action when a calamity is striking.  It releases

Movement: Waking Up the Brain

“Don’t fidget. Sit still.” Children are expected to sit in the classroom, sometimes for hours. But, many professionals now claim that they need to move

Beauty in Everyday Sounds

Does the humming of your refrigerator get to you?  It is MUSIC!  Everything around us is filled with musical expression.  Singer and song-writer, Meklit Hadero, teaches us

Music and the Brain

Daniel Levitan, Director of the McGill University Laboratory for Musical Perception, Cognition, and Expertise, discusses some of the recent cutting-edge findings about music and the brain.

Conscious Evolution of Love

Every mother since the dawn of time carried, along with her infant, the story of their birth. Until recent times, however, the sharing of that

Ultrasound…Is it Ultra-Safe?

For many parents, few modern day thrills surpass monitoring the newest member of the family via Ultrasound prior to their scheduled arrival. Social media is

Our Personal Microbial Cocktails

Did you know that we humans have TRILLIONS of microorganisms that live inside of us and on our skin? And, did you know that the majority of

Learning from the Ants

Here is a fascinating Ted talk by ecologist Deborah Gordon about the operations of ants.  Believe it or not, they multi-task and get things done without any

Moral Behavior in Animals

Human Nature may really be Living Nature.  Find out WHY in the Ted Talk, where animal researcher Dr. Frans de Waal discusses the moral behavior

Maltreatment Can Affect Gene Activation

Scientists have known that when children are maltreated or neglected early in life, they can develop many emotional and health problems. But, they are learning

Making Personal Health Happen

In the TED Talk below, social scientist Eric Dishman, Intel Fellow and General Manager of Intel’s Health Strategy & Solutions Group, takes us through his personal