Do you remember how Popeye used to open up a can of spinach when he needed strength? Today, PROTEIN is the New Spinach for Seniors. Read this article to find out WHY:
We may come from different backgrounds, geographic areas, and even from different attitudes and perspectives, but one thing that We Seniors have in common is the loss of muscle mass as we age. This is a serious issue for Seniors because the loss of muscle mass may lead to more frequent falls, frailty, and other mobility issues as we age.
A logical response to the loss of muscle mass may be to conclude that by eating more protein, we may be able to decelerate the loss of muscle mass. That is true. But, even further, researchers at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center, in collaboration with the University of Sherbrooke and the University of Montreal, have concluded that Seniors should consume more protein per meal. That is, Seniors should consume more protein that is distributed in a balanced way throughout the day, rather than being focused on one meal. This formula makes Seniors stronger.
In total, 1700+ Canadian Seniors, age 67-84 years, were followed and tested for three years, where their protein consumption patterns were analyzed. It was determined that those who “consumed their protein in a balanced way,” meaning spread throughout the day through three meals, tended to be stronger.
The balanced spread of protein throughout the day allows the availability of amino acids that help to synthesize the proteins. Researchers have singled out an amino acid called Leucine that has the greatest impact over protein development, over all other amino acids.
The top three High Leucine foods on the market are: cheese, soybeans, and beef. For a full list and description, click HERE.
Again, like Popeye who relied on his Spinach for strength… WE Seniors should rely on our protein, but in a balanced way!
Please share your thoughts with us. What do YOU do to build your body strength as you age?