February 1, 2020 was the date that marked Dr. Gladys’ 99th Birthday Celebration. It was a beautiful party that was held at the McCormick Scottsdale, by the lake. Jared Langkilde, President of the HonorHealth Foundation, served as the Master of Ceremonies. The celebration was blessed by musical performances provided by Linda Moser and Joyce Buekers. Joyce accompanied Linda on the harp as Linda sang THE PRAYER and OVER THE RAINBOW. Several guests shared stories on how Dr. Gladys has influenced their lives. Speaker Rita Davenport filled the room with her special brand of love and humor. It was an enchanting evening! Enjoy the photos of this fun occasion!

Francis Tesmer provided beautiful roses for the dinner tables, PLUS! the magnificent birthday cake in the photo above where Dr. Gladys is blowing out candles. It had delicate, golden butterflies and roses displayed on it.